MINUTES of Committee Meeting 23rd November 2022
10 attendees with 2 observing
No Apologies received.
The minutes of the previous meeting were approved.
Matters arising:
- Online banking-personnel and responsibilities list. – 3 documents were in preparation-1. Account details including log-ons and passwords 2. Guidance for future Treasurers 3. A personnel list to ensure simplicity of handover.
- Sport England – It was thought that a repeat application was necessary.
- Members progress on e mail addresses. A small amount of progress has been made since the last meeting. It is possible for the Web Editor to do this but only with access to accounts. Guidance can be reissued.
- Distribution etc of receipt books This has been done where requested.
- Report on u3a AGM vote –No resolution or amendment had been approved. A great many u3as became involved
- Progress with Correx boards- This remains to be actioned
- Policy progress- deferred to main business.
- Room hire increase –No decision has yet been made, therefore there will be no immediate increase.
- Progress with committee photos- The ones that have been submitted are on the website.
- Amendments to Welcome page wording- The word count has been adjusted. Some other small amendments were suggested and further work will take this forward.
Main Business
- Treasurer’s report, -[ documents circulated]–
This was approved without comment. Some related issues were discussed, including possible use of the current surplus to temporarily offset any room hire increase.
- Amended Finance Policy- [circulated]
A point was raised regarding point 3.4. it was realised that the circulated document had been sent in error and was not the most recent version. This was therefore deferred to the next meeting.
- Speaker Secretary report. [circulated]
Action was needed on some points.
- Christmas quiz will start at 10.30 with doors open at 10 for refreshments.
- Speakers will now be asked to speak for 45 mins to allow time for questions.
- 3 prospective speakers were approved
There followed extensive discussion on u3a guidance on charity collection.
The proposal of charging a fee for the speaker to use for the charity if wished was carried by 5 votes to 2.
- Links with UCLAN and other organisations.
The idea of forging links between wpvu3a and other organisations such as UCLAN was proposed and explained and benefits explored.
Lively discussion ensued in particular of issues regarding advertising/ supporting other local organisations. It was felt that these issues needed to very clear before engaging with other organisations.
The current u3a view of phasing out the use of the word University was also discussed and the ethos of learning from each other. On the other hand there is a history of strong links between u3a and Universities.
One particular idea was looked on very positively. This was to offer a main overview talk on Psychology followed by 6 shorter sessions. This would be free of charge and would form the May Speaker Meeting
- Advertising leaflet – A sample advertising leaflet for an extended demographic had been previously circulated. A number of issues were explored including the addition of a QR code and a corrected website address.
- Recruitment and retention –There is a need to continue to recruit at the younger end of the wpvu3a demographic in order to ensure continuity. Other u3as are finding that the average age is increasing. The points made in the previous two items would all contribute well to recruitment and retention. The role of contacting other organisations [e.g. Doctors’ surgeries, libraries, borough councils] is to be taken on by a member of the committee with experience in this area
- Adoption of new committee members – Two new committee members were proposed and approved. The Chair welcomed the new committee members.
- U3a publications and informing relevant members –. It was suggested that members be informed of what was available as courses and interest groups . This could be highlighted regularly in the Newsletter for example through a link to Interest Groups Online.
- Attracting new group convenors – Concern was expressed at the amount of paperwork and responsibility at the beginning of a new convenor’s involvement.
Some examples of recent issues were given.
It was thought by the Groups Co-ordinator that the priority is for communication with group members rather that webpage access (given that the information should ideally be kept up to date).
There was particular discussion of Gmail accounts and associated hardware problems. A ‘how-to’ guide might be useful.
- Draft policies – [all available on the website –>documents–>policies then click on the link at the bottom of the page
Some points were raised regarding e.g. terminology used in ‘Safeguarding policy’- the term ‘group convenor’ needs to replace ‘group leader’.
It was agreed to approve the policies as they appear on the web-site subject to the changes requested at this meeting.
- Committee page for the website . Following the discussion at the last meeting a draft page is available to view.
- Website search – The website address as published on the National u3a and North West Region needs correcting.
The secretary undertook to make contact and seek these changes.
- Christmas Quiz- Mince pies are to be purchased along with other festive fare. Prizes to be 1st team; best festive costume. This event needs to be publicised widely including through the newsletter.
- Community Warm Hub -Wpvu3a is being approached by the WFSSC [ possibly in conjunction with the Drop-In.] After discussion it was concluded that this venue not at a suitable location, but it is possible to use other established local venues as publicity outlets.
- Ukulele Group- This will be starting as a replacement for the Beginners’ Guitar Group. The first step will be to assess interest. It was thought that members would obtain their own instrument ideally.
- Additional Music Stands – There was discussion of the necessity for these since full attendance has not been attained lately.
Proposed and approved that 5 stands be purchased and that the available grant be applied for to use for croquet mallets.
- There are currently 175 members.
- Discussion of effectiveness of microphone at Speaker meetings was inconclusive- resolved to revisit at the next meeting.
Date and time of next meeting-18th January