Annual General Meeting of West Pennine Villages U3A
Withnell Fold Sports and Social Club
10am Wednesday 9th February 2022
The chair welcomed those present and commented on the 15 months since the last AGM [held virtually]and the 28 months since inauguration.
Committee members present: -AH NT GT IH MB LW PH GG SP
Apologies- M Taylor Edwards, S. Larkin, D. Fenton, B. Charnock, A. Isherwood G. Stewart and K. Parker.
The attendance was good, and the meeting declared quorate.
1. The Minutes of the previous AGM [December 2020] were approved as a true and accurate record. These had been located on the website for those wishing to access them.
A matter arising from those minutes had been addressed through a sub committee meeting with the treasurer.
2. Approval of Trustee report- The chair outlined the challenges faced by the wpvu3a since the previous AGM. Online activity had taken place in early 2021, with outdoor activity opening in late March in safe bubbles. May saw indoor activity in bubbles begin, with July seeing restrictions lifted, more normality returned. Thanks were offered to Group Convenors and the Groups Co-ordinator for their efforts during this period. Speaker meetings continued, at first online and later live, with an average attendance of 40 members. Thanks were offered to the Speaker secretary for arranging these. The monthly Newsletter keeps members informed of activities and events. Thanks were offered to the Publicity Officer for this. Wpvu3a did not participate in National u3a Day, this being deemed too early to mix freely safely and therefore a very successful Open day was held in September as an alternative. This contributed to an increase in membership, on renewal, to 158 from 146. The current total stands at 167. Although the bulk of members are from the immediate area, members also come from further afield e.g., Fulwood, Croston and Horwich. The male: female ratio is currently 57:106. Very few members are not in a group. The number of groups on offer is expanded from 22 to 28.
Thanks were also offered to WFSSC for acting as a welcoming base for many activities at a reasonable cost.
The Committee were also thanked for their hard work toward the success of wpvu3a.
This summary was approved as an accurate record of activities and progress since the last AGM.
3. Approval of Trustee Accounts [Previously circulated].
No questions were raised, but the Treasurer undertook to explain some points. For example-the Treasurer clarified the difference between restricted and non-restricted funds, points re. Gift Aid and others.
4. Election of Officers: –
The vice chair took control of the agenda at this point.
• Chair- Ann Furlong – approved
The chair resumed control of the meeting and pointed out that a proposer and seconder for each role had been obtained prior to this meeting in line with u3a rules.
• Vice Chair-Geoff Tittensor- approved
• Treasurer- Paul Brooking- approved
• Secretary-Norma Tittensor- approved
5. Election of 7 ordinary committee Members
• Maria Brooking- approved
• Lynn Worden- approved
• Steven Perry -approved
• Clive Bass-approved
• Graham Green-approved
• Kay Aldred-approved
• Pat Holt-approved
Brief explanations were given of the following two proposals prior to voting.
6. Proposal: to seek approval to adopt the u3a amended constitution of Feb. 2021 with a clause to allow different methods [including virtual and /or blended] for AGMs in future. -approved.
7. Proposal: to change financial year end to the end of March as of March 2022. -approved.
AOB- none received.
Closing comments from the Chair
Thanks, were again offered to the committee for their work during the last 15 months. A particular vote of thanks was offered to the retiring Treasurer, particularly for the initial work in setting up the account, gift aid arrangements and charity commission links. Thanks were offered to a member who is now leaving to focus on work at Northwest level.
Thanks, were again offered to the re-elected committee for their work in keeping the activities going during difficult circumstances. In looking to the future with optimism, it was hoped that this collaboration would continue.
There being no further business, the meeting was closed.