West Pennine Villages u3a

Role Description – Accessibility Officer

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1.     Document purpose

To outline the role and responsibilities of a Accessibility Officer.

2.   Role summary
3.   Main responsibilities

Please note, the specific tasks listed below are in addition to the statutory requirements and responsibilities of trustees of charitable organisations in the UK as laid down by the relevant regulatory bodies.

3.1.                  To ensure the updating and implementation of the Accessibility, Safeguarding and Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policies within West Pennine Villages u3a.

3.2.                  To attend committee meetings as required and give advice on issues within the scope of the Third Age Trust Guidance. 

3.3.                 To liaise with the Membership Secretary and be the first point of contact for members who may have accessibility issues, or wish to raise personal queries or concerns.

3.4. To liaise with Group Coordinators to ensure that where possible groups are accessible and adjustments can be made e.g. relocating a group held within someone’s home to a wheelchair accessible venue where possible.

3.5. To assess venues and meeting arrangements when required, to ensure that members with accessibility issues have the best possible experience.

3.6. Where safeguarding issues arise (including incidents between members, abuse or neglect experienced outside the u3a by a member, health related or criminal issues) to be responsible for receiving available information and for ensuring that the information is acted upon in liaison with the appropriate member(s) of the committee.

3.7.                  On completion

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