The Craft and Chat Group meet on the second Tuesday of the month unless holidays change this. We usually meet in the club but sometimes in members homes. Best to check but always welcome new members.
Various crafts are explored and all members are encouraged to share their skills. We like members to join in the running of the group. There are currently Knitters, Crocheters, card Makers, Decoupagers, Embroiderers, Cross stitchers, Felters and Collagers. If you have another skill or just want to learn something new then there will be someone in the Group who will be happy to help.
Over the last year we have collaged fabrics and then stitched into them. One member showed us how to make felt flower wreathes while another turned teabags into mini works of art.
Pat Fleming has been helping members to master the art of Macrame and at July meeting she will be showing us how to make patchwork cushion covers.
we have some members who are very good at Crochet and they tried to show us how it’s done. Not all of us mastered it but it was great fun.
We welcome everyone and if you want advice on a project you would like to try or just continue with what you love. Just come for a chat and a brew.
As I said we meet second Tuesday of the month at 2.00pm at Withnell Fold Sports and Social club.